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These men they call Knights 

Our Catholic Faith

Our Catholic faith is central to the Knights of

Columbus. As you advance through the higher degrees in

the Order, you may be asked to answer questions about

the central tenets of the Catholic faith. As we wish to

assist you along your journey through the higher degrees,

please take this opportunity to review those central tenets

listed below.


The Ten Commandments

1. I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange

gods before me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God,

in vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.

4. Honor your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your


9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.



The sacraments are signs instituted by Christ to give

us grace.

1. Baptism

2. Reconciliation (confession)

3. Holy Eucharist

4. Confirmation

5. Matrimony

6. Holy Orders

7. Anointing of the sick



There are two kinds of grace:

 Sanctifying grace makes us holy and pleasing to God.

 Actual grace helps us to do good and avoid evil.

Precepts of the Church

 To attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days

of Obligation.

 To fast and abstain from meat on appointed days.

 To confess one’s sins at least once a year.

 To receive Holy Eucharist during Easter time.

 To contribute to the support of the Church.

 To observe the laws of the Church concerning


 To join in the missionary spirit and apostolate of

the Church.



The ordinary minister of the sacrament of Baptism is a

bishop, priest or deacon. In case of emergency, anyone can

validly baptize. Water is poured on the forehead of the

person to be baptized. While the water is being poured, the

following is spoken: “I baptize you in the name of the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”



Pentecost is known as the “birthday of the Church.” On

that day, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, giving

them the graces they needed to go forth and teach the

Gospel to all nations. This is one meaning of the word

“Catholic.” The Church is found in every land, and

therefore it is “universal” or worldwide.


The Seven Capital Sins

1. Pride

2. Covetousness

3. Lust

4. Anger

5. Gluttony

6. Envy

7. Sloth


The Gifts of the Holy Spirit







Fear of the Lord


The Rosary

The rosary (from the Latin rosarium, or “rose garden”)

is a form of mental and vocal prayer centered on the

mysteries in the lives of Jesus and Mary.


The Joyful Mysteries



Birth of Jesus

lPresentation of Jesus in the Temple

Finding of Jesus in the Temple


The Sorrowful Mysteries

Agony in the Garden

Scourging at the Pillar

Crowning with Thorns

Carrying the Cross



The Glorious Mysteries



Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

Assumption of Mary

Crowning of Mary as Queen of the Angels and Saints


The Luminous Mysteries

Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

Manifestation of Jesus at the Wedding at Cana

Proclamation of the Kingdom of God

Transfiguration of Jesus

Institution of the Eucharist

These men they call Knights book

These men they call Knights
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